Meet Abby.

Abby was a competitive gymnast for 19 years, six of which she competed on behalf of Canada. During her years as a club gymnast, she experienced psychological, verbal, physical and sexual abuse.

In 2019, Abby wrote a complaint letter to Gymnastics Canada which led to three years of re-victimization. Her male abuser was banned from the sport for life, and her female abuser was suspended for five years. As she navigated this process, Abby realized that nothing had changed since her days in the gym. After joining Gymnasts for Change Canada, along with the loving support of the committee and her family, Abby went public with her story of abuse.

As Director of Engagement, Abby leads our Peer Support Program, connecting one-on-one with victim-survivors. She is honored to work alongside this passionate group that’s working so hard to make sport a safe and healthy experience for all those involved.