Our Peer Support Programs.

  • One-on-One Calls

    In our individual calls, our team provides you with a safe space to share your story, provide information about therapeutic and legal options available to you, and offer direct support to meet you where you are at in your journey.

  • Group Support

    Our group peer support sessions allow you to experience community while exploring topics relevant to healing from sport-related trauma. Our group sessions meet monthly and are supported by a registered social worker.

  • Case Support

    Navigating the sport complaints or legal system alone can feel like you’re drowning. Our confidential case support program offers guidance and information for anyone considering or in the midst of a complaint process related to sport abuse allegations.

Start a ripple.

Every step towards healing empowers you and others. Our confidential Peer and Case Support programs invite you to explore your healing journey in a safe and inclusive space. Our one-on-one calls offer direct support, while our group support sessions allow you to connect with other victim-survivors and discuss topics relevant to sport-related trauma recovery. Learn more about our programs below.

What our commuity says about peer support.

  • AE's peer support program is such a gift to survivors of abuse in sport who, like myself, take comfort in a sense of belonging and of being understood by others living with, and trying to make sense of, the mental, emotional, and physical hardships stemming from their athletic career.

  • Whether it’s a sort of void or sense of loss of direction, purpose, or identity post-career; whether it's disordered eating, a distorted body image, or an unhealthy relationship with physical activity or exercise; whether it's a loneliness or longing for someone, anyone, to just talk to who would listen and truly understand—this community is for you.

  • The transformative and healing power of conversing openly and honesty, without expectation or judgement from anyone around, is profound. Give yourself the chance, you'll find you belong there, too.

  • While the circumstances in which us survivors are meeting is far from ideal, the Group Peer Support Program Sessions (and One-On-One Peer Support Calls) have been a wonderful opportunity to find community and support. Together we can find hope for a better future in, and outside, of sport. As we all push for change in sporting culture worldwide, the AE Group Peer Support Program is a guiding light. Thank you to the Athletes Empowered team for organizing such a welcome opportunity.

  • Having this group is very calming, reassuring, and very helpful. For that, I want you all to know how much I appreciate what you are doing. I'm really happy that you opened up to non-gymnasts. It's easier in so many ways. I joined this group not really knowing about what would be involved or what I wanted to get out of it but I found that it is very supportive just knowing there are others who believe, who relate with their own stories and experiences then and now, and just knowing there is a community out there, makes me feel that I am not going through this alone

Why Book a Peer Support Call?

Practical Support.

If you, or someone you know, has experienced abuse in sport, our team can support your healing journey. Our programs are led by victim-survivors and our group peer support sessions are overseen by a registered social worker to ensure all participants find safety in this space.


Our team can work with you to help you make informed decisions about your experiences, connect you with community therapeutic and legal resources, and guide you as you navigate your journey.


You don’t have to walk this path alone. Our growing community is here to listen, validate, and support you in your healing journey. In connecting with others, we help fight the isolation that too often comes with our traumatic experiences.