Our origin story.

Gymnasts for Change Canada (G4C) was founded by three former gymnasts with lived experiences of abuse in the sport, who wanted to make sure the next generation never went through what they did. It started with an open letter Sport Canada in March 2022, calling for an investigation into how the sport was being delivered. The open letter quickly garnered support. The initial 70 signatures soon became 700, with most signatories sharing their own heartbreaking stories of abuse and mistreatment, spanning decades. It became evident that the gymnastics community needed support and the delivery of the sport needed radical, urgent change.

Through the support of allies in the community, media, and Canadian leadership, G4C began advocating at the highest levels of government to call for a National Inquiry into abuse in sport, recognizing that abuse was happening in all sports and all athletes deserve to play and compete in safety. To date, G4C members have testified at two Parliamentary Committee hearings studying these issues, and have met with Members of Parliament, Ministers, Senators, and Supreme Court justices to advocate for systemic reform.

In addition to advocacy work, G4C launched its Peer Support program in 2023, which offers one-on-one and group support to victim-survivors. Through this program, participants can find community, as well as receive valuable information that will allow them to make informed choices about their experiences, including whether and how to make complaints to sport organizations, bring criminal or civil cases forward, and share their stories publicly.

Our Peer Support programs are open to all victim-survivors in sport. If you are a current or former gymnast looking for support, please reach out to our team.

Broken: Inside the Toxic Culture of Canadian Gymnastics

Released in 2022, Gymnasts for Change Canada is proud to have participated in the award nominated documentary Broken: Inside the Toxic Culture of Canadian Gymnastics.

Add your voice.

In March 2022, Gymnasts for Change Canada released a public open letter asking for an independent, third party investigation of Canadian gymnastics. It is still available to sign today. Join over 700 signatories and supporters who are calling for accountability and change.

Join the Gymnastics Canada Class Action Lawsuit.

  • In 2022, a class action lawsuit was filed against Gymnastics Canada and all provincial and territorial gymnastics associations on behalf of all gymnasts who have experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse while engaging in the sport from 1978 to today.

  • Class action lawsuits are a powerful tool for accountability. We hope that this will drive change by sending the message that sport organizations will be held liable if they allow systemic abuse to run rampant and if they fail to protect their participants.

  • If you have experienced any form of abuse as a gymnast, we encourage you to get in touch with the legal team handling the class action. There is no obligation to speak with them but you may have information valuable to the case. If you are interested in learning more, please click here.