Meet Amelia.

Amelia is a lawyer and a former elite gymnast with lived experience of psychological and physical abuse from her competitive career. After watching the Athlete A documentary, and hearing the stories of other brave gymnasts, she shared her own story in 2020, which set her on the path to survivor advocacy.

She is the lead plaintiff in a class action lawsuit against Gymnastics Canada and six provincial federations, aimed at demanding accountability from sport institutions and achieving justice for survivors. She has made numerous media appearances, advocating for change to the sport system, and has testified before the Parliamentary Status of Women Committee in Ottawa.

As the Managing Director of Athletes Empowered, Amelia provides support and guidance to our programming, as well as direct support to survivors engaged in our Case Support program. Drawing on her professional experience as a lawyer, she continues to advocate for policy change, and a safe and abuse-free sport for the next generation.